Sunday, March 2, 2025

Knox Goes Away

Michael John Douglas (born September 5, 1951), known professionally as Michael Keaton, is an American actor.  He had to change his name since Michael Douglas, the son of Kirk Douglas, already had it.  

I first noticed Keaton for his portrayal of Beetlejuice in the 1988 film of the same name.  Beetlejuice is a charismatic, cynical and womanizing ghost. He also gets a little crazy at times due to his dramatic antics.  Keaton is wonderful in the role.

In 2023, Keaton starred in, directed and co-produced the American crime thriller film, Knox Goes Away It follows a contract killer (Keaton as John Knox) with a rapidly evolving form of dementia who vows to spend his final days attempting to find redemption by saving the life of his estranged adult son, portrayed by James Marsden.

Knox's friend, Xavier, a professional thief, is portrayed by the great Academy Award winner Al Pacino.

John Knox works a day job as a contract killer. He is estranged from his wife and son, and lives alone, interacting only with other members of his industry and a sex worker who visits him once a week, and who shares his love for books.

Knox is diagnosed with an aggressive form of dementia called Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, and quickly makes arrangements to retire from the business. Before he retires, however, he undertakes one last job with his partner.

During the job, after successfully killing his target, Knox accidentally kills his partner in his dementia-fueled confusion. He quickly stages the scene and leaves. 

That night, he is unexpectedly visited by his estranged son Miles, who tearfully admits to killing a man for raping his daughter, Knox's granddaughter. Knox instructs his son to remain quiet regarding the authorities as he goes to the crime scene and meticulously removes evidence that may incriminate Miles, while mysteriously storing them for later use. 

Knox visits his friend Xavier. Together, they devise a plan to set up Knox's family for life while leaving the business behind, all while Knox battles his fading mental state.

Knox plants the evidence that he had previously stored away around his son Miles's home, seemingly betraying him. Miles is arrested for the murder of his daughter's rapist, and is confronted by Knox in prison, where Knox accuses Miles of turning him in.

After getting lost in the woods after digging up his stash of diamonds at a cabin that his family used to own, Knox is picked up by Xavier and driven home. On arriving, he is confronted by a group of burglars and the sex worker, who had become aware of Knox's dementia and the fact that he had been cashing out and had ratted him out as a result. Knox kills all the burglars, but spars the sex worker.

Knox calls Xavier to ask him to inform the police of part of their plan, after which he is arrested. The police soon discover signs that the evidence found at Miles Knox's house may have been tampered with and planted by Knox, leading to the conclusion that Knox might have framed his son for the murder. Miles is released.

Several weeks later, Miles visits his father in prison. Knox, having now fully lost his mental faculties, does not recognize his son and is soon moved from prison to a medical facility with only weeks to live. 

Miles and his mother receive equal shares of Knox's fortune, ensuring the completion of his retirement plan.  The sex worker, who he spared, receives Knox's library, opens the cover of A Tale of Two Cities, which is my favorite book written by my favorite author, Charles Dickens ("It was the best of times; it was the worst of times").

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Paladin, Chapter 4


PALADIN and POLLYANNA are asleep.  The two cowboys quietly return.  FIRST COWBOY silently approaches POLLYANNA, while SECOND COWBOY approaches PALADIN.  FIRST COWBOY gets on top of POLLYANNA awakening her.

POLLYANNA:  What the...  (she screams)

PALADIN awakes as well.  SECOND COWBOY has already pointed his gun in PALADIN's face.

POLLYANNA:  (screams)  Don't!  Get the fuck offa me.

PALADIN waits for moment when SECOND COWBOY is distracted by what FIRST COWBOY is doing.   PALADIN then pulls out his derringer hidden in his belt and fires at SECOND COWBOY's temple killing him instantly.  Hearing the gun's noise, FIRST COWBOY turns toward PALADIN and tries to reach for his gun, but PALADIN jumps up and kills him first with the second shot from the derringer.  The danger gone, he then approaches the shaken POLLYANNA. 

PALADIN:  You all right?

POLLYANNA:  They're dead?

PALADIN:  Yeah...thanks in part to you.

POLLYANNA:  What do you mean?

PALADIN:  These men are what I was talking about when I said, "wild and dangerous."  These men don't see hardly any women in this country.  And then you start flirting as if you were in San Francisco or Windfall.  You can't do that.  Actions have consequences.    

POLLYANNA:  Bullshit.  I did nothing wrong.  But, I'm glad they're dead.

POLLYANNA stands up and kicks the dead body of the man who tried to rape her.

POLLYANNA:  Why did it take so long for you to kill them?

PALADIN:  (with emphasis) I killed them as soon as I could, lady, but I regret I had to do that.  Each life is precious and I'm sure if you had been demure instead of flirtatious they would still be alive.  Don't do that again in my company.  You hear me?

She nods, a little bit frightened by PALADIN's tone.

PALADIN:  Now, I'm going to have to bury these two.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

My Poor Right Knee, Part One

This my 500th post.

When I look at my poor right knee, I can see two scars.  They are from two of my surgeries there.  The first was in August 1975.  Why?

In the summer of 1971, my ex-wife and I were travelling on an overnight train from Vienna to Venice.  We were sitting across from each other on benches trying to sleep with our legs stretched out.  

In the middle of the night, my duffle bag fell down and landed on my poor right knee.  I believe that was the beginning of my troubles.

Over the next four years I sought medical attention for my poor right knee which was suffering.  Finally, I was diagnosed with torn cartilage which required surgery to remove the tear.

My only previous experience was oral surgery during my youth.  I remember vomiting after I woke up.  My mother rewarded me with ice cream.

I checked into Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan the night before my surgery.  An orderly dropped off a razor for me to shave my knee.  As I had no experience with this, I asked him to do it.

The next day I was terrified.  I thought I was going to die.  I kissed my wife as if it were the last time.  

I remember laying on a cart being wheeled down a corridor leading to various surgical rooms.  I was worried I would be taken into the wrong room.  

Finally, we entered the right room, but I didn't want to be put to sleep before my surgeon arrived.  I wanted to be sure he remembered it was my poor right knee which was to be operated on.  

I told one of the nurses my wife was pregnant.  She assumed it would be a boy.  I told her I was hoping for a daughter.

After the surgery, and before I could go home, they taught me how to use crutches, especially going up and down stairs.  

I had to stay in a hospital ward with five other men for a week.  I remember the guy to my left had terrific back pain.  Another man in the ward had had a heart attack.

I recovered at home, but there was no mention of physical therapy.  Three years later, I had to redo the surgery, this time as an out patient and this time with physical therapy.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Super Bowl

Today is Super Bowl Sunday LIX.  It is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL).  This year features the Kansas City Chiefs against the Philadelphia Eagles to be held in New Orleans.

The first Super Bowl was on January 15, 1967 in Los Angeles between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs, won by the Packers 35-10.  The game was actually called the AFL-NFL World Championship Game.

At that time, I was a senior at Penn.  A classmate in my dorm had a small black and white TV where I watched the game.

The NFL began in 1920, but for many years lagged behind in popularity from the college game.  In the late 1950s, the NFL started catching up.

The 1958 NFL Championship Game was played on December 28 at Yankee Stadium in New York City. It was the first NFL playoff game to be decided in sudden death overtime.  The Baltimore Colts defeated the New York Giants 23–17 in what soon became widely known as "the Greatest Game Ever Played".  I watched from the den of my family's home in Oswego all by myself. 

The 1958 game marked the beginning of the NFL's popularity surge and eventual rise to the top of the United States sports market.  A major reason was that the game was televised across the nation by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).

As a result of the popularity surge, a rival league, the American Football League (AFL), was formed and started playing games in 1960.  From 1960 through 1965, the champions of the two leagues did not play each other at the end of the season to determine the championship of professional football.

Before the 1966 season, a merger of the two leagues was agreed to.  The championship game the following January was the first game between the two leagues.  

On January 14, 1968, the Green Bay Packers defeated the Oakland Raiders 33-14 in Super Bowl II in Miami.  I watched the game at my fiancĂ©'s (Bonita's) home in suburban Detroit.

On January 12, 1969, the New York Jets defeated the Baltimore Colts 16-7 in Super Bowl III also in Miami.  It was the AFL's first win.  I watched the game at my home in Manhattan.  

I have watched all the Super Bowls except one, XXX.  On January 28, 1996, I took my daughter Rachel to JFK Airport for her flight to Israel (semester abroad to Tel Aviv University).

This year I'll watch the Super Bowl from our apartment in Guaruja. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025


My favorite Portuguese word is madrugada, which means in English, "middle of the night."  In other words, it covers the time from midnight to dawn.  It's interesting that it is one word in one language and four in another.

Middle of the Night is a 1959 film drama starring Fredric March and Kim Novak.  It was directed by Delbert Mann and written by Paddy Chayefsky, the same team that brought us the Best Picture of 1955, Marty.

The story of Middle of the Night involves a May-December romance between a 56 year-old widower named Jerry (March) and a 24 year-old named Betty (Novak).  She works as a receptionist at clothing manufacturer, owned by Jerry, in New York City.

On one opportune day, Jerry and Betty are discussing business privately.  However, she is distraught about her loveless marriage to her ex-husband and turns to Jerry as a sort of father figure, which she doesn't have in her life.  As Jerry's daughter is about the same age as Betty, he tries to console her.

After this encounter, Jerry starts to have non fatherly feelings towards Betty.  She is a very attractive woman and he wants to be  considered desirable after many years of being alone.

Jerry eventually works up the nerve to invite her to dinner, which she accepts.  It is interesting that the subject of sexual harassment is never mentioned in the film.  It did not become relevant in American society until the 1970s.

Jerry does not pressure Betty using his superior position to gain an advantage.  Likewise, Betty does not feel any pressure.  It is a very innocent boy-girl romance, albeit involving a middle-aged man and a young woman.

Their relationship develops like on a roller coaster, going up and down.  They are very influenced by the people in their lives, especially the women.  

Betty's mother calls Jerry "a dirty old man."  Jerry's sister calls Betty "a fortune hunter."

Kim Novak has described this movie as the best performance of her career.  In 11 days, let's all wish her a happy 92nd birthday.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Paladin, Chapter 3


PALADIN and POLLYANNA sit by flickering burning camp fire, after having consumed their dinner.  

PALADIN: That was very good what you cooked.  Congratulations.


PALADIN: I know from experience how difficult it can be to cook out here in the wild country.

POLLYANNA: You know how to cook?

PALADIN: When I am in San Francisco, I eat well.  Some of the best chefs there are my friends.  I have learned a lot from them.


PALADIN: Really.

POLLYANNA: We should arrive in Windfall by noon tomorrow.  What's your plan?

PALADIN: You introduce me to CHARLES and I'll take care of the rest.  

POLLYANNA: Sounds good...You know, what we did in San Francisco we could do again...right here.  

PALADIN: Let's leave San Francisco back in San Francisco.  We're in wild, dangerous country now and have to pay close attention to what's going on around us.  

POLLYANNA: I don't see anything wild here except the two of us.  I'd like to get wild again with you.  Remember, I'm a desperate woman.

PALADIN: Yes.  I remember well.

There is a noise of two approaching cowboys on horseback.  PALADIN stands up.  The cowboys ride into their camp.


PALADIN: Howdy. 

FIRST COWBOY: Seen your camp fire.  Mind if we warm ourselves a bit?

PALADIN: No.  Come in.

The two scruffy-looking cowboys dismount from their horses and walk over to fire where they warm their hands.

FIRST COWBOY: Gonna be cold tonight, I figger.  

PALADIN: Could be right.

FIRST COWBOY: (to POLLYANNA) Beg pardon, ma'am.  Didn't notice a beautiful woman was here.  You folks married?

POLLYANNA: (smiling) Thanks for the compliment, but we're not married.  What about you, cowboy?

FIRST COWBOY: No, ma'am.  I don't rightly think a good woman would want an ugly buck like me.

POLLYANNA: Oh, I don't know.  With a shave and a haircut, I think you'd look mighty handsome.

Second cowboy laughs.  First cowboy scowls at him.

FIRST COWBOY: Well, now, I might do that first chance I get.

PALADIN: (to POLLYANNA) I think we ought to get some rest now so we can get an early start at sun up.


FIRST COWBOY: Thanks, folks.  We'll be headin' down the road a piece now.  Thanks for sharin' your fire.

POLLYANNA: You're welcome.

PALADIN nods.  The two cowboys mount their horses and depart the camp.  PALADIN and POLLYANNA prepare their bedding.

PALADIN: Do you flirt with every man you meet?

POLLYANNA: Not every man.

PALADIN: Good to know.

PALADIN is not so sure.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Algebra of Wealth

 One of my father's pearls of wisdom that he passed down to me was "happiness is a well paying job."  I followed his advice and became an accountant.  

On the other hand, I convinced my college roommate Scott to follow his passion (painting) instead of becoming a high earning dentist.  Thus, I knew different than to follow my father's advice...but, I did.

Some time ago, on Michael Smerconish's Saturday morning show on CNN, he interviewed Scott Gallaway, a professor at NYU's Stern School of Business.  He recently wrote a book called Algebra of Wealth.

In the book, Gallaway's focus for young people is “primarily about earning an income — and you’re going to need a decent amount of it.”  Of course, each of us must decide how much of an income is enough.  What life style do we want?

Gallaway writes that you should follow your talent more so than your passion and increase your earning potential where you can. Achieving financial freedom will help eliminate economic anxiety (not earning enough to support your chosen life style).  To him, economic anxiety is our number one problem.

As an example of stupidity in our choices, Gallaway points to the huge amount of people who want to be actors, an industry where almost 99% of whose members earn very little.  Former roommates Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman and Robert Duvall once had to work at menial jobs to support their ambition to become actors.  Whatever happened to them?

Similar to acting, Scott's chosen field of art is one where it is also difficult to make a living.  I believe he suffered from economic anxiety his whole life.  But, I don't think he regretted his decision to pursue his passion.

Me on the other hand, I followed my father's and Gallaway's advice and I regret doing so.  I wish I had followed my passion, like I advised Scott to do.

In my forty year experience working, my job satisfaction had little to do with the work I was doing.  It had everything to do with the people I was working with.  Did we like, respect and treat each other well...or not?


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Dan Stulbach

Dan Stulbach, the actor, was born in Brazil in 1969.  He graduated in Social Communication at the Higher School of Advertising and Marketing in Sao Paulo.  There, Dan created a theater group from which he directed shows.  

Later, he lived in San Diego and New York studying English and taking advantage of opportunities to see movies and plays.  Dan bears a resemblance to the American actor Tom Hanks.

I first saw him in the Brazilian telenovela, Mulheres Apaixonades (Women in Love), where Dan portrayed Marcos, a man who occasionally beat his wife with a tennis racquet.

Several months ago, we learned that Dan had rented an apartment in our building in Sao Paulo.  Cristina and I were anxious see the celebrity in our midst.  I saw him a couple of times.

Last month I was standing by the elevator in the building's garage waiting for Cristina to park the car when a man approached me.  I told him in Portuguese that I was waiting for my wife.  He noticed my foreign accent and asked me where I was from.  I asked him where he thought I was from.  He guessed Germany.  I corrected him.  

When Cristina arrived, she engaged the man in an extended conversation.  When she finally entered the elevator with me, I asked whom she was talking to.  Dan Stulbach.  I had not recognized him in the somewhat darkened garage.

The very next day, Cristina and I were on our way to our local cinema to see the film, Ainda Estou Aqui (I'm Still Here) starring Fernanda Torres.  On the steps in front of our building, we ran into Dan again.  

This time we engaged in a conversation with him in both Portuguese and English.  It turns out all three of us saw Tom Hanks in his Broadway play, Lucky Guy.  Dan got a chance to briefly meet Tom backstage.

Very soon after the movie started we were shocked to see our new friend Dan was in Ainda Estou Aqui as a family friend (Baby) of the protagonist (Eunice).  When does that ever see a person on the street...and then in a movie on the same day?

Very recently at the Golden Globe's award show, Fernanda Torres won the Best Actress Award in a Drama.  I thought of the scene she had, one on one, with our friend, Dan Stulbach.  


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Mrs. Tootsie Doubtfire

Tootsie is a 1982 American satirical romantic comedy film directed by Sydney Pollack.  It stars Dustin HoffmanJessica LangeTeri GarrDabney ColemanCharles Durning, Bill Murray and Geena Davis

In the film, Michael (Hoffman) is a talented actor with a reputation for being professionally difficult to work with.  In order to get a job acting, he adopts a female persona (Tootsie), the opposite of his male persona.

Mrs. Doubtfire is a 1993 comedy.  It stars Robin Williams, Sally Field and Pierce Brosnan.  

In the film, Daniel (Williams) is being divorced by his wife (Field).  As a devoted father, he yearns to remain close to his children.  Because of this, Daniel adopts a female persona (Mrs. Doubtfire) and lands the job as his children's nanny.

Neither Tootsie nor Mrs. Doubtfire were actually female.  They simply adopted a female role, both acting and dressing as such.  During the Twentieth Century, such people were referred to as transvestites, now replaced by the term transgender.

From 2014 to 2015, Rachel Dolezal was the president of a local chapter of the NAACP (Spokane, WA).  In spite of the fact that both of her parents were White, Rachel "identified as a Black woman."

Rachel was forced to resign as president.  Apparently, you can't simply identify as must be Black.

William Thomas was born male in 1999.  In 2019, he decided to identify as a woman and adopted the name Lia Thomas.  Lia then switched from the men's swimming team (at the University of Pennsylvania) to the women's swimming team.  

William/Lia went from being a mediocre swimmer on the men's team to a NCAA champion on the women's team.  Apparently, you can simply identify as a woman (transgender) to compete as a woman...even if you are a biological male, with all its advantages.