Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fourth Lake, Chapter 14

On Tuesday  morning, August 6, 1974, Judy and Phil were sharing a breakfast of cold cereal and hot coffee.  The cottage was very still as Phil was intently listening to the news on the radio, while Judy was deep in thought about her plans for visiting Dollar Island.  A CBS journalist reported that after a morning Cabinet meeting at the White House, Undersecretary of the Treasury, William Simon, was quoted as saying, “The President sincerely believes he has not committed any impeachable offense.  He intends to stay.” 

After yesterday’s admission (the smoking gun), I’m not sure Nixon has enough political support in Congress to stick it out,” said Phil.

Judy said nothing, just staring at the other side of the cottage, what ever was directly in front of her.

Judy, the fate of the nation is at stake and you are not paying attention.”

“Oh, the fate of the nation will take care of itself.  Later, I want us to get into our canoe and go for a ride.  Ok?”

Ok.  We’ll go.  Whatever you want.”

So, some hours later, they shoved off and headed directly for Dollar Island.  It was Judy’s idea to circle the island to check it out, to see it as up close as possible before the actual landing she planned for the following day.  After their first time around, Judy said they should do it again.  She especially noted the area just by the mansion, but also the rest of the island as well.  Judy was looking for the best landing area, preferably on the far side, away from prying eyes.  She thought she found what she was looking for.

Finally, Judy consented to heading back to dry land.  Phil suggested going to the Laughing Loon for a well-earned drink and Judy agreed.  After tying up the canoe by a nearby dock, they entered the bar.  It was quiet inside.  Only one other couple was there, sitting at the far end of the bar.  Once again, Mitch Riley was on duty.  Before sitting down on the stools by the bar, Phil headed to the men’s room (in the opposite direction from the bar) and asked Judy to order him an ice cold Genesee beer.     

Welcome back, Judy.  What would you like to drink?”  Mitch was still thinking of what he saw of Judy late Saturday night.  He hadn’t been disappointed.

Again, Judy was deep in thought and this time not about Dollar Island nor about their drink order.  She felt an irresistable impulse and had to react to it.  She looked at Mitch.

Can you see the door to the men’s room from here?”  (Judy couldn’t.)

“Sure!  Why?”

“Has anybody entered since my husband did?”


Looking at the other couple to her left, she replied, “Tell me when either my husband or someone else comes in or out of the men’s room.  In the mean time, a Genesee for my husband and a cosmopolitan for me.”

An eerie feeling had came over Judy, a kind of a premonition which she didn’t quite understand.  When Mitch delivered the drinks, he mentioned that a man he didn’t know had just entered the Laughing Loon from the same door as Judy had and had gone directly into the men’s room.  Judy got off her stool and also headed for the men’s room.  She wasn’t sure why, but she had to find something out that was nagging at her.  After a moment’s hesitation, she entered the men’s room.  There were six urinals and two stalls.  The door to one of the stalls was ajar indicating it was empty.  Judy saw nobody.  This was not good.  According to Mitch, there were two men in there and it seemed as if they were both in the same stall. 

After waiting for some seconds, Judy called out her husband’s name, but got no response.  She called out again.

Judy, what are you doing?” came Phil’s voice from behind the closed door of the toilet.  Get out of here!”

Who’s in there with you, Phil?”

“Nobody!  Now, get out of here.”

“I know there’s somebody else in there with you.  Who’s with you and what are you doing?”

Phil screamed, “Get out of!”

Judy finally walked out of the men’s room and headed straight for the bar.  The other couple in the bar and Mitch had obviously heard Phil screaming and were starring at her.  Judy stepped up on the stool as far as she could and leaned over towards Mitch.  She grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her.  Judy gave him a hard kiss on the mouth before walking out of the bar.  Mitch was stunned, but very pleased. 

Judy walked all the way back to the cottage.  She was in shock at her discovery and was trying to make sense of it.  She was angry and was looking for a way to deal with her anger.  Instead of entering her cottage, she went to Joe’s.  When Judy entered the cottage, Joe was sitting on the sofa watching television and drinking beer.

Judy, what do you...”

Before he could get the words out of his mouth, Judy grabbed him and pushed him down.  She got on top of him and they started having sex in an almost violent way.  Joe responded with no any questions asked.  Some minutes later, after they were finished, Judy left and went to her cottage, entered and locked the door.  Phil was nowhere to be seen.   

Judy sat there stunned.  She was trying to make sense of her discovery.  She felt almost numb, almost as if someone had died.  Had her marriage died?  Was it a sham?  How long had he been unfaithful?  Who was this other man?  She was waiting for Phil.  She knew he would come there eventually.  What would he say?  What could he say?  How should she react?  She was full of anger.  She had gotten some revenge, but was it enough?

Judy looked in the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of cans of beer.  She chugged them down quickly hoping they would bring her some relief from the pain she was feeling.  They didn’t.  Finally, sleep consumed her.  Maybe it was all a bad dream that she would wake up from.  Could her trip to Fourth Lake, which started so hopefully, end like this?  She thought of the words of her heroine, “Tomorrow is another day.”     


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