Rita, Ben, Betty, and Miguel enter Rita's house after their ride from the Mexico City airport two days before Christmas, 1939.
"Welcome to my home. Please make yourself comfortable," declares Rita.
Miguel adds that, "It's a treat for me to be at Rita's. I have a small place downtown near my office. But Rita thought we should all be together for Christmas."
The four move into the living room to enjoy the refreshments prepared by Patricia, the maid. Betty cozies up to Miguel on the sofa, taking his hand. Ben and Rita sit in adjacent chairs. Patricia carries the luggage upstairs to the three guest bedrooms.
After a quick bite to eat, Betty asks Miguel for a tour, really only an excuse to be alone with her boyfriend. The two leave Ben and Rita alone as well.
"I'm glad you could come, Ben. I've enjoyed your letters so much."
"This is like a dream, Rita. When we met, I couldn't have imagined one day I'd be in your home in Mexico. I want to get to know you and your country better."
"We've plenty of time, my friend."
Rita reaches out to take hold of Ben's hand. He responds in kind. They move to the sofa that Miguel and Betty abandoned. As they stare into each other's eyes, they continue talking, gradually getting to know each other much better.
In the garden outside the house, Miguel and Betty are passionately kissing, touching, and holding each other in a tight embrace.
"I couldn't wait to do this, baby. I missed you so."
"I missed you, too. We'll have a great time."
"But, what are we going to do about your sister and that hick?"
"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything. We'll have plenty of time to be alone."
Later that night, after all say good night to each other, the four simultaneously enter their own separate bedrooms on the second floor. After a discreet wait, Miguel leaves his and enters Betty's.
Breakfast the next morning is huevos rancheros, which as Rita explains consists of sausages, tortillas, fried eggs, and cheese.
"It's delicious," says Ben. "I didn't come here to eat American. I want to swallow it all up, the food, the culture...(and starring into Rita's eyes) everything. What's next?"
What's next are sightseeing trips to the Plaza De La Constitucion, the Metropolitan Cathedral, and the Palacio Nacional in downtown Mexico City.
After a dinner of beef burritos, Rita invites Ben to go to a nearby church with her for the Christmas eve mass.
"Are you Catholic?" she asks.
"No. I was born Methodist, but lately I haven't been much of anything. I haven't been to church since..."
Ben's face appears as if he has gone into a trance. He returns to his normal self a moment later. Rita notices.
"Are you all right? You went away for a second."
"I'm OK. I was...just thinking of something."
Rita reaches out and touches his hand. "Would you like to talk about it? Perhaps I can help."
"Maybe another time. But, I'd like to go to the mass with you."
The church is crowded as the midnight mass is about to begin. Ben and Rita find a bench in the back. She kneels down to pray, while he looks up and stares at the crucifix above the alter.
After saying good night to each other, the four again go into their respective bedrooms. After a discreet wait, Betty leaves hers and enters Miguel's.
Christmas morning finds Ben and Rita alone in the kitchen finishing their breakfast and drinking coffee.
"Being in church last night brought back happy memories from when I was a kid," says Ben. "Church was a comforting place then."
"It's always been that way for me, especially when my parents died and then my husband."
"Maybe 'cause I was with you, Rita, it came back for me. Who knows?"
"I'm your friend, Ben, and what ever I can do...
She reaches for his hand, and he reaches for hers, as well.
"Merry Christmas, Ben."
"Merry Christmas, Rita."
They embrace.
Later, Ben and Rita join Patricia in making tamales. They husk corn cobs, grind the corn, soak the corn husks in water, mix in beef and peppers with the ground corn, place it in the husks and then put the husks in the oven.
For the third consecutive night, the four say good night and retreat into their respective bedrooms. After a discreet wait, Betty and Miguel both emerge simultaneously, freeze at the surprise sight of each other, and then retreat together into Betty's bedroom.
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