Date: May 27, 1918 (100 years ago today)
Place: Aisne, France
I'm thinkin' it's been a long time since I left Springfield, Illinois to do basic trainin' in the army after I received my draft notice. It seemed as if I just finished high school, was havin' a good old time and then it came. Why'd Wilson have to go and get mixed up with Europe? It was so peaceful at home. Mom and Dad and brother Bobby and of course, Cindy on Saturday nights, dancin' and drinkin' and neckin'.
It was weird at first bein' away from home, gettin' used to the army. I've made some good new friends, especially Jack and Elliot. The sergeant's a pain in the neck, but he means well and is a good teacher. I think I'm a good soldier now and ready to fight for America. Also, I got to see the Atlantic Ocean and meet some different girls.
And then the ship to France. At first, I felt horrible, but after a while I got used to it. When we landed, it was amazin'. Everythin' here is so different from back home. I think this could be the greatest experience of my life.
We've done more trainin' since we got here, but we've had some time off and a bunch of us went to Paris and met some French girls. They don't speak much English, but you'd be surprised how you can communicate other ways. There was one in particular, Yvette, that I was alone with for about 24 straight hours. I think I want to marry her after the war is over. Everyone thinks that'll be soon.
But today could be the day, my first experience under fire. I hope I show some courage. We've heard reports the Krauts are moving forward and we need to push them back, all the way to Germany.
We've been marchin' towards our position now for about an hour and I can hear loud explosions gettin' closer and closer. I'm feelin' nerves in the pit of my stomach. Kinda reminds me of when we were playin' football and the other team ran on the field and both bands were playin' and I wanted to do good and not embarrass myself in front of my teammates.
This is the real thing and its gettin' kinda scary. I can almost see Germans in the distance and they want to kill me. Well, I have to kill them first. The noise is so loud I can almost not hear anythin'. Bullets are flyin'. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see some of us fallin'. I'm afraid, but I can't stop movin' forward. I'm followin' my buddies. I fire my gun. I wonder if..........
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