Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Year 1952, Chapter 16

Burt eagerly awaited Governor Stevenson's Korea response.  

"Let's talk sense to the American people.  Peace is far more important than who wins this election.  Let's talk sense about what we have gained by our determination, our expenditures and our valor in Korea.  

We have proven that communism can go no further unless it is willing to risk world war.

We have proven to all the peoples of the Far East that communism is not the wave of the future, that it can be stopped.  

We have helped to save the peoples of Indo-China from communist conquest.  We have smashed the threat to Japan through Korea and so have strengthened this friend and ally.  We have discouraged the Chinese Communists from striking at Formosa.  

We have trained and equipped a large army of South Koreans who can assume a growing share of the defense of this country.  

We have blocked the road to Communist domination of the Far East and frustrated the creation of a position of power which would have threatened the whole world.  We have asserted that whenever Communist soldiers choose freedom after falling into our hands, they are free.

My opponents say that America cannot afford to be strong.  I say that America cannot afford to be weak.  I promise no easy solutions, no relief from burdens and anxieties, for to do this would not only be dishonest, it would be to attack the foundations of our greatness.  

I can offer something infinitely better: an opportunity to work and sacrifice that freedom may flourish.  For, as William James truly said, 'When we touch our upper limit and live in our own highest center of energy, we may call ourselves saved.'

I call upon America to reject the new isolationism and to surpass her own glorious achievements.  Then we may deserve to call ourselves the sons of our fathers."

Burt was not disappointed.  

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