Sunday, February 23, 2020

High School, Chapter 2

Self-confidence can be defined as "a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities and judgment."

So, there are two ways for a high school freshman (me) to look at life: through the prism of self-confidence or through the prism of a lack of self-confidence.  Let's examine the latter first and use some examples important to me: baseball and girls.

Playing baseball, the game I love, on the sandlot, Little League and in middle school, I developed some good defensive skills, catching and throwing.  Where I am deficient is in the batter's box.  Why?  I am afraid of the inside fastball.  Why?  I might get hit and it would hurt.  I know from personal experience.

In the past year, I was intimidated by girls.  It didn't used to be that way when I was younger.  But, now things have changed.  I am afraid to initiate conversation with girls.  Why?  They might laugh at or ignore me.  I'd be humiliated.  Why?  I am not what they want.  There are better.

These arguments can be rebutted.  It's important that I don't let fear control my behavior.  I need to confront my fears and challenge myself to get what I want.  

In baseball, let's make the pitcher with the inside fastball fear me.  Let's rip a line drive right back at him.  Make him pitch me low and away.

Let's look at human nature.  Young people, both boys and girls, at fourteen years of age, are susceptible to the same anxieties as they come of age.  Many have difficulties with the opposite sex.  As boys like me are scared of girls, many girls are equally nervous about boys.  Are they pretty enough to attract boys?  How do they compare with other girls?  Are they self-conscious about their rising femininity?  Do they suffer from a lack of self-esteem?  

Thus, thinking all girls are cool and comfortable in social situations is dumb.  So, the best way for me to act is to be fearless.  Go for the gusto.  If a girl doesn't appreciate me, so what?  "There are plenty of fish in the sea."            


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