Sunday, April 26, 2020

High School, Chapter 4

I am determined.  No matter what, I am going to initiate conversation with Ann as soon as I see her.  No matter what.

The next day, I enter the high school and go up the stairs to the third floor, nervously looking about for her.  As I approach our home room, I see her outside the door talking to an unknown boy.  No matter what.

As I go past, I say, "Hi, Ann."

As I enter the home room, I notice quizzical looks from them both with my peripheral vision.  I walk ahead with my self-confidence booming.  I sit down.

Soon, Ann enters and takes her seat next to me with a surprised look on her face, which is looking better.

"Now I know who you are, the boy on my left.  What's your name?"

"Bennie.  (pause)  So, how's school so far?"

"I don't know.  It's only been a day.  What about you?"

"I think it's gonna be great.  (bell rings).  See ya tomorrow, Ann."

"Yeah, see ya, Bennie."

We both get up to leave home room, this time side by side, with smiles on our faces.  

What a day this has been, what a grand mood I'm in, why it's almost like ...


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