Sunday, July 26, 2020

High School, Chapter 7

My favorite high school class is Portuguese.  I chose it over French, Spanish and Italian.  It sounds so exotic and it doesn't hurt the teacher, Ms. Sousa, is young and pretty.  

It's kind of cool to talk to somebody in another language.  I really like it.  

My answers to the first weekly quiz:  

Eu gosto de sorvete = I like ice cream

Eu gosto dos meus amigos = I like my friends

domingo = Sunday

segunda-feira = Monday

rio = river

rua = street

uva = grape

ovo = egg

um/uma = one

dois/duas = two

I got 100% on the quiz.  Poor Delores flunked.  When she saw my score, she gave me a look different from the one she gave me last week.  Before we left class today, Delores asked for my help with the homework.  I guess I'm not a bug after all.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


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