Sunday, December 27, 2020

High School, Chapter 12

 It's just after Labor Day and the first day of high school has finally arrived.

I just woke up from a deep sleep.  


I had the greatest dream ever.

Can it come true?

In the past year, I was intimidated by girls.

I was afraid to initiate conversation with them.  


They might laugh at me.

I'd be humiliated.

Can I overcome that fear?

When you walk through a storm,

Hold your head up high,

And don't be afraid of the dark, 

At the end of a storm,

there's a golden sky,

and the sweet silver song of a lark,

walk on through the wind, 

walk on through the rain, 

though your dreams be tossed and blown,

walk on, walk on,

with hope in your heart and you'll...

The End.


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