Sunday, February 28, 2021

Two Women, Chapter 2

Mona lived on the fourteenth floor of Ted's apartment building in Philadelphia.  They met one day waiting for the elevator in the lobby.  She smiled.  A beautiful smile.  He said, "Hi."  They talked on the way up.  

Turns out Mona's a professional musician, a pianist.  Born and raised in Philly.  They had lunch the next day, Ted's treat, at a restaurant near his office.  Great food!  Great conversation!

The following week Ted and Mona went by Uber to the La Rose Jazz Club on Germantown Avenue.  Her invitation!  Great music!  Great drinks!  And great conversation!

When they got back to their apartment building, she invited Ted in for a nightcap.  He left early the following morning.

What did this mean?  Was Ted committed?  Was Mona his girlfriend?  Was he now supposed to be monogamous?

Ted liked Mona a lot.  He definitely wants to see her again and be with her again.  But...

But what about Monica, whom he couldn't keep out of his mind?  But she's not in Philadelphia...and Mona is.  Hmm.  


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