Sunday, June 27, 2021

Two Women, Chapter 6

 Mona opened the door to Monica's dental office.  The two women smiled at each other.  

"Welcome, Mona.  Your first time here?"

Mona now knew Monica was indeed a beautiful woman.

"Yes.  I'm here for a concert at the University, so I decided to take advantage of a recommendation from one of your patients."

"Which one?"

"You remember Ted from Philadelphia?"

"Oh, are you a friend of his?"

"You could say that."

"How is he?"


"You mentioned a concert?"

"I'm a pianist.  I'll be performing tonight at Memorial Hall on campus."

"Very nice.  Now let me look at your teeth."

Mona sat in the chair and got a real close look at Monica.  Impressive!  And she smelled good, too.  

After some minutes of probing and examining, Monica said, "Your teeth and gums are in good condition.  I think all you need is a cleaning."

Twenty minutes later, Monica was done.  Mona enjoyed the experience. 

"Thank you, doctor."

"You're welcome.  Hope you come again.  Give my best to Ted."

"I will.  By the way, I'll leave a ticket for you at the box office tonight in case you're interested in hearing me play."

"That's very nice of you.  What time's your performance?"

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