Sunday, October 30, 2022

Abraham's Son, Chapter 10


ABRAHAM and SANDY sit at a table in restaurant and eat, drink and talk, but we cannot hear them.  ABRAHAM wears a suit and tie. SANDY is fashionably dressed with a low cut dress, her hair up and wearing a pearl necklace. 


After dinner, ABRAHAM takes SANDY to her home. They stand in front of her front door. 

SANDY: That was lovely, ABRAHAM. Thank you. 

ABRAHAM: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Good night. 

SANDY puts her arms around ABRAHAM's neck and kisses him on his lips. 

SANDY: Come inside. Please. 

SANDY takes ABRAHAM's hand, opens the door and they both enter her home. 


Sunday afternoon, after watching movie together, SARA and ABRAHAM drink coffee and talk. 

SARA: So, my friend, MARIA, invites me... Did I mention her?

ABRAHAM: I don't think so.

SARA: She's been great. So different from me. An extrovert. Kinda taken me under her wing. Anyway, Friday night we went to this bar on Northern Boulevard. Drinkin' beers and sharing. Nice. And she's flirting, trying to attract some cute guys. And then two cute guys show up. 


SARA: So, I'm talkin' to this guy DAVE. Handsome, with muscles, does construction in the city. But doesn't know movies, not like us. Anyway, he kisses me and...and then I kiss him back. Kinda fun. Then, he got fresh, but I told him not yet. 

ABRAHAM: A lot of guys are only interested in one thing, SARA.

SARA: Tell me something I don't know. But, this guy, DAVE, he's kinda nice. He called me Saturday morning. We talked for a few minutes. Made a date for Friday see a movie at my place...on TCM. 

ABRAHAM: You think that's a good idea? You just met him. 

SARAL Don't worry. My brothers taught me how to kick the shit out of some guy don't take no for an answer. 


SARA: So, I'll order a pizza and some beers and we'll see how much he likes a classic romantic movie. 

ABRAHAM: Good luck...You know, last night I had kind of a nice time, too. 

SARA: Really. Tell me. 

ABRAHAM: Well, my cousin SYLVIA tried to fix me up with this widow she knows, SANDY. Last weekend SANDY had this open house with a lot of great food I couldn't resist. Anyhow, she starts talking about how I should have a woman in my life and I got annoyed and walked out. Well, all week I was feeling bad because I was rude to her. 

SARA: Yeah, you were. 

ABRAHAM: So, yesterday at the synagogue I apologized. Then I invited her to have dinner with me. So we had dinner last night at a French restaurant on Bell Boulevard. Anyway, after I drove her home, she invited me in. It felt strange. Being with another woman. First time in more than 30 years. But, she's very kind. I like her.

SARA: I'm happy for you, ABRAHAM. 


On the following Friday night, ABRAHAM and SANDY sit in a crowded theater listening to a concert of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9. At one point she reaches over and holds his hand. Later, she leans her head against his shoulder. 


It is the same Friday night. SARA and DAVE sit together on her sofa watching TV. They eat pizza and drink beer while watching the classic 1957 film An Affair to Remember with Deborah Kerr. At the end of the film, we hear TERRY's final lines. 

TERRY (O.S.): Oh, it's nobody's fault but my own. I was looking up. It was the nearest thing to heaven. You were there. Oh, darling. Don't worry, darling. If you can paint, I can walk. Anything can happen, don't you think? 

SARA grabs a tissue to dab away tears that come to her eyes because of film's romantic conclusion. As music from TV fades away, she turns it off. 

SARA: So, what do ya think? 

DAVE: (hesitates, gathering his thoughts) Well, I think it was good, but...I don't get why TERRY didn't tell Nickie she was crippled. Yeah, she had her pride and didn't want him to feel sorry for her, didn't make sense. Had an uncle who took care of my aunt for years after suffering a stroke. Love is love. 

SARA: And... 

DAVE: And what? 

SARA: I want more. 

DAVE: (takes another drink of beer) was kind of interesting seeing New York 60 years ago, the way people dressed and talked and seeing some buildings that are gone now and no cell phones or computers. 

SARA: You passed the test. 

A surprised DAVE watches as SARA removes beer and pizza and then moves towards him. She leans into his body hugging him and caressing him with kisses. SARA lays on top of DAVE as they start to make love, removing their clothing. 

SARA: You better have protection, buddy. 

DAVE: I do. 


At the same time, ABRAHAM and SANDY sit next to each other on the sofa as SANDY leans her head next to his shoulder. 

SANDY: Did you enjoy the concert, ABRAHAM? 

ABRAHAM: It's been a long time since I heard such beautiful music. 

SANDY: I feel so happy...sitting here with you. We had such a wonderful evening. I don't want it to end. 

ABRAHAM Everything ends. 

SANDY: ABRAHAM, I don't want you to go. Stay with me tonight. Please. 

Tears come to SANDY's eyes. She puts her arms around ABRAHAM's neck and kisses him passionately. He responds in kind. They slowly rise, hold hands and she leads him towards her bedroom, and they enter it. 


ABRAHAM and SANDY enter her bedroom. He looks around as it's his first time there. They move together towards her bed. They kiss and then start taking off each other's clothes.

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