Sunday, May 26, 2024

Yearbook, Chapter 2

 "I love root beer floats," said Bubbles, while we were sitting together in a booth at Whelan's Drugstore.

"Me, too.  My aunt turned me on to them years ago."

"So...what are we doing here?"

"I thought you were hungry."

"Yeah, but...why am I so lucky?"

"You mean...why did I invite YOU?"


"Well...I guess it was my nose."

She started laughing hysterically.

"I'm not used to getting such compliments (I said); my brain, yeah, but not my looks."

"You must know you're a good-lookin' guy."

"I figure I'm not ugly, but...good-lookin'?"

"Half the girls in school are jealous of me right this me."


"You had a girlfriend almost all year.  Didn't that show you something?"

"No, she liked me for my brain.  We never talked about looks.  Now she found somebody she thinks is smarter."

"Well...she's the loser."

She finished her root beer float.  

"So...what are, Bennie?"

I thought for a moment.

"Are you busy Friday night?"

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