Sunday, January 26, 2025

Paladin, Chapter 3


PALADIN and POLLYANNA sit by flickering burning camp fire, after having consumed their dinner.  

PALADIN: That was very good what you cooked.  Congratulations.


PALADIN: I know from experience how difficult it can be to cook out here in the wild country.

POLLYANNA: You know how to cook?

PALADIN: When I am in San Francisco, I eat well.  Some of the best chefs there are my friends.  I have learned a lot from them.


PALADIN: Really.

POLLYANNA: We should arrive in Windfall by noon tomorrow.  What's your plan?

PALADIN: You introduce me to CHARLES and I'll take care of the rest.  

POLLYANNA: Sounds good...You know, what we did in San Francisco we could do again...right here.  

PALADIN: Let's leave San Francisco back in San Francisco.  We're in wild, dangerous country now and have to pay close attention to what's going on around us.  

POLLYANNA: I don't see anything wild here except the two of us.  I'd like to get wild again with you.  Remember, I'm a desperate woman.

PALADIN: Yes.  I remember well.

There is a noise of two approaching cowboys on horseback.  PALADIN stands up.  The cowboys ride into their camp.


PALADIN: Howdy. 

FIRST COWBOY: Seen your camp fire.  Mind if we warm ourselves a bit?

PALADIN: No.  Come in.

The two scruffy-looking cowboys dismount from their horses and walk over to fire where they warm their hands.

FIRST COWBOY: Gonna be cold tonight, I figger.  

PALADIN: Could be right.

FIRST COWBOY: (to POLLYANNA) Beg pardon, ma'am.  Didn't notice a beautiful woman was here.  You folks married?

POLLYANNA: (smiling) Thanks for the compliment, but we're not married.  What about you, cowboy?

FIRST COWBOY: No, ma'am.  I don't rightly think a good woman would want an ugly buck like me.

POLLYANNA: Oh, I don't know.  With a shave and a haircut, I think you'd look mighty handsome.

Second cowboy laughs.  First cowboy scowls at him.

FIRST COWBOY: Well, now, I might do that first chance I get.

PALADIN: (to POLLYANNA) I think we ought to get some rest now so we can get an early start at sun up.


FIRST COWBOY: Thanks, folks.  We'll be headin' down the road a piece now.  Thanks for sharin' your fire.

POLLYANNA: You're welcome.

PALADIN nods.  The two cowboys mount their horses and depart the camp.  PALADIN and POLLYANNA prepare their bedding.

PALADIN: Do you flirt with every man you meet?

POLLYANNA: Not every man.

PALADIN: Good to know.

PALADIN is not so sure.

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