Cinderella Man is a 2005 American biographical sports drama film directed by Ron Howard, titled after the nickname of world heavyweight boxing champion James J. Braddock (1935-1937) and inspired by his life story. The film stars Russell Crowe (Braddock) , Renée Zellweger (his wife) and Paul Giamatti (his manager).
It received three Academy Award nominations, including Best Supporting Actor for Giamatti (lost to George Clooney for Syriana). The film was also nominated for Best Film Editing and Best Makeup.
The film's story happens during the height of the Great Depression. Braddock, a one-time boxing contender, gives up fighting as a result of a hand injury. He works part-time as a longshoreman. His family's income suffers.
His manager offers Braddock an opportunity to get back into boxing. With a string of victories, he rises to the level of being considered as a contender for the Heavyweight championship held by Max Baer. One of those victories was over Art Lasky (born Arthur Lakofsky). Both Baer and Lasky were Jewish boxers, not uncommon for that time.
Braddock was offered a fight against Baer for the championship. He was a prohibitive underdog. After all, Baer had killed two men in the ring and Braddock had lost 25 fights.
On June 13, 1935, Braddock became the Heavyweight champion with a unanimous decision victory over Baer in a fight held at the Madison Square Garden Bowl (Queens, New York). It is considered one of the biggest upsets in boxing history.
Two years later, Braddock unsuccessfully defended his title in a knockout loss to the great new champion Joe Louis. However, Braddock earned $250,000 (over $5 million dollars today) for the fight. The money secured his family's economic future.
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