Sunday, April 28, 2024

Yearbook, Chapter 1

She wrote the following in my 1963 high school yearbook. "To a smart boy who I wish I had half of his brains.  Be good and don't keep your nose in a book.  It's too cute to be in there.  Lot's of luck at collegeLove, Bubbles"

Immediately after reading it a second time, I chased after her down the high school corridor.  She hadn't gotten far. Perhaps she was holding back to give me time to catch up.

Hey, I said.  "Where're you going?"

"Home.  I'm done for the day.  What about you?"

I noticed her nose as well.  It was definitely pretty cute.  For a second, a cold chill went up my spine.  My ex-girlfriend had broken up with me a couple of weeks ago, but perhaps she still felt I was off limits.  I would hate for Bubbles's nose to be on the receiving end of a punch.

"What a coincidence.  I am, too.  (I cut my last class.)  Let me walk you home."


We walked out the nearest exit together and headed towards West Second Street.  

"So...what're you doing after graduation?"

" girlfriends and I are planning on going to the closest bar and drinking beer.  I just turned eighteen."

"Can I join your group?"

"Why not?"

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm always hungry."

"Wanna grab something to eat at Whalen's (drug store lunch counter)?"

"Good idea, Bennie!"

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